Using real-time health data, we notify your employees when they can make a better or more affordable decision on their healthcare— and we take on the administrative work for them.
Schedule a DemoInstead of waiting until after a procedure is completed, we notify patients beforehand, helping them compare providers, medications, and benefits. We reduce stress by supporting them through the tough decisions.
Make sure your employees know about all their healthcare options, at the time that they need them. Whether that’s a local doctor, a virtual benefit, or center of excellence in your plan, our alerts educate your employees about their benefits.
We work with patients to make sure they’re not paying for incorrect or inflated medical bills. We fight the bills on their behalf and check for financial aid eligibility.
When employees connect their electronic health records, our platform notifies them when there’s an opportunity to get the care they need, save money, or use an existing benefit. It’s that simple.
Our programs come with a 100% ROI guarantee. That means our incentives are fully aligned with yours.